Thursday, February 19, 2009
2:00 – 4:00 pm
10 Sand Island Access Road (Right after drawbridge)
1. DLNR Recreational Modernization Plan Briefing:
Doug Smith and Cliff Inn presented the Recreational Modernization Plan focusing on boating facilities, integration of parks, trails along with some of the commercial proposals that could be incorporated under this DLNR Legislative proposal.
Questions were raised about overall funding, impacts to the Boating Special Fund and impacts on Pier 60. Discussion followed. For more information on this initiative the web link is: . For questions contact Doug Smith at DOBOR on Oahu 587-0142.
2. Deep Ocean Water Air Conditioning Project update:
Frederic Berg, Acting Project Manager of Honolulu Seawater Air Conditioning, LLC discussed the project which will construct a seawater air conditioning system in downtown Honolulu. The system would consist of:
1) A 63-inch seawater intake pipe extending offshore approximately four miles to approximately 1,770 feet deep off Kaka‘ako;
2) A 55-inch seawater return pipe extending offshore approximately 2,000 feet to 150 feet deep off Kaka‘ako;
3) A pump station containing pumps, heat exchangers and auxiliary chillers in the Makai District of the Kaka‘ako Community Development District; and
4) A network of cold water distribution pipes from the pump station to customer buildings in the downtown area. A staging area for pipe assembly is proposed for an area along the western shore of Sand Island and in the adjoining channel in Keehi Lagoon.
In response to questions, Frederic mentioned that the laying of the pipes should begin in the end of 2010 or 2011. There was also a question raised about the coral growth off shore so more discussions on this issue are planned. For more information the following link is provided: or call Frederic Berg at (808) 531-7922.
3. Maritime Legislative Bill Review
Bill Mossman and Janet Mandrell gave a legislative update of bills that were still active and that they are tracking:
HB 1766: Has been gutted & new version had not been posted
HB 1036: Tort actions (with companion bill SB 949)
HB 1310: Permits weekend Maunalua Bay commercial thrill craft op
HB 980: Renaissance was gutted and new version had not been posted
SB 1313: Transfers Kewalo to DLNR repeals HCDA jurisdiction
SB 1315: DOCARE transfers conservation and resources enforcement program from DLNR to the Department of Public Safety
SB 367: Deletes the public auction process for thrill craft and parasailing permit renewal also removes the twenty year maximum for permit renewal.
SB 68: DLNR regulates private marina commercial vessels
4. Dock Safety Ladder Panel
Warren Ditch and Randy Swindel led the discussion generated out of a membership question on safety and the placement of ladders, life rings in the harbor. Issues such as security and funding were discussed. It was decided that Warren and Randy would form a HOST subcommittee to address this issue. Anyone interested in joining in on this sub committee can contact Warren or Randy.
5. Dive Safety Issues
Robin discussed the current dive incidences where bubbles have been appearing in harbor channels & where the “Boat” ran over a diver. The HOST dive safety subcommittee has been formed and Teri Leicher from Jack’s Diving Locker has agreed to serve as chair. The subcommittee will be looking for ways to get educational materials out to the dive shops, the military activity programs and clubs, etc. to help make folks safer. If you would like to participate, please contact Robin (808)224-5522 or Teri (808) 329-7585 to join up.
6. Other HOST Business
Carl Devoe announced the Honolulu Council Navy League’s Merchant Mariner of the Year Award. There are six nomination categories: the large vessel industry, the tug boat industry, the tourist fishing industry, the commercial fishing industry, & service vessel industry. The Awards will be presented in May at the Merchant Mariner of the Year Awards Banquet. For more information contact Carl at: (808) 286-3953.
The Maritime License Center will be hosting the: International Association of Safety & Survival Trainers (IASST) 55th International Safety Center in Honolulu on April 20, 2009 For more information call Carl at: (808) 286-3953.
BMCS Dave Garrett from the Coast Guard has asked HOST to send out a survey regarding Aids To Navigation in Hawaii. He is looking into upgrading various aids and converting some to solar panels to improve reliability and reduce the dependency on the electric company. His Survey follows.
I am Dave Garrett of the U.S. Coast Guard and am in charge of various Aids to
Navigation throughout the Hawaiian Islands. I am sending this email to insure
you are aware of a Waterway Analysis and Management System (WAMS) Study that is
being conducted for various areas in Hawaii.
Presently, there are five aids to navigation being considered for upgrading.
For instance, if changes are made to Kailua Light, solarization will be possible
and this will remove the light from commercial power, drastically improving its
reliability and safety during power outages. The change to Kailua Bay Entrance
Directional Light should make it more distinctive from background lights.
This is where I would like to request your input on these changes as well as
any others you may have. If you can complete the attached surveys and return it
to me, your valuable input will be used to increase the safety to navigation of
this waterway.
If you need any amplifying information, please call or email me at your
convenience. A notice to mariners will be published soon requesting mariners’
recommendations. Please feel free to distribute this further if you would like.
Thank you,
BMCS Dave Garrett
Officer in Charge
Aids to Navigation Team
400 Sand Island Access Road
Honolulu, Hawaii 96819
(808) 842-2850/51
(808) 842-2850 fax
[email protected]