June 21, 2012 Membership Meeting


Thursday, June 21, 2012

2:00 – 4:00 pm


10 Sand Island Access Road (Right after drawbridge)

The meeting was called to order by Robin Bond at 2:00 pm. There were 25 attendees.

Update of the recent Makani Pahili hurricane preparedness exercise.

Shelly Kunishige, PIO (Public Information Officer) with Hawaii State Civil Defense gave an update on the recent hurricane preparedness exercise.  The exercise is important for all participants as they gain experience making the community better prepared for eventual hurricanes.  This exercise also illustrates that the individual in the community needs to be better prepared as government can not take care of all of the needs.    There was further discussion about the importance of Honolulu Harbor and Capt. Nunan announced a joint agreement between the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Navy for emergency safe harbor of commercial vessels in Pearl Harbor.

How does Kewalo Basin Harbor prepare for emergencies? Charles Barclay, harbor master for Kewalo Basin presented the planning and implementation of the hurricane and tsunami preparedness plan in place for Kewalo.  The plan has developed protocols for identification of the emergency, communication to harbor tenants, actions to be taken pre, during and post event.  The details of this plan are available by contacting Charles Barclay at [email protected].

CIC to take over the operation of the City’s fire boat.

Kim Beasley discussed the proposed transfer of the City & County of Honolulu’s Fireboat.  This is a result of action taken this year in the Hawaii State Legislature. The transfer is projected to be in January 2013.

Want to get rid of your expired marine safety flares on Oahu?

Arlen Walsten discussed this new pilot project that is possible because of collaboration of POP, the City & County of Honolulu and Covanta Energy.  In this program, expired marine flares can be brought to POP where they will be collected and transported to H-Power.  At H-Power the flares will be disposed of and turned into electrical energy.  This project culminates a long process trying to find the most practical and environmentally sound process for marine flare disposal. HOST really applauds the participation of POP, the City and County of Honolulu and Covanta Energy! 

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