July 10, 2008 Advisory Board

Hawaii Ocean Safety Team   

 Advisory Board Meeting

July 10, 2008 (3:00 pm)

Hawaii Yacht Club

Kimo Corstorphine                                                              CDR Kathleen Moore

Bill Mossman                                                                                    John Thielst

Chris Woolaway                                                                   Ed Lott

LT Marcella Granquist                                                         CDR Jason Neubauer

Ed Enos                                                                                 Terry Rice

Bob Heidrich                                                                         Robin Bond

1.    1500 (3:00 pm) Call to order – Introductions – Meeting was called to order at 3:15 pm and new attendees were introduced.

2.    Approval of last Board and Membership meeting minutes – May meeting minutes were not approved as there was not a quorum.  Any suggestions for changes should be sent on to Robin.

3.    Treasurer’s Report – Chris – We have $1,999.43 in the HOST checking account with an expenditure of $877.13 for reimbursement of Annual Harbor Safety Conference registration and hotel.  We have a check for $12.00 to be deposited.

4.    HOST Membership Meeting of June 19 – Critique – The meeting went well but was not well attended. One of the speakers was unable to make the meeting.  There was discussion on what might be done to make the meetings of wider interest.

5.    HOST Board of Directors – Officers – Election for new board officers is scheduled for July. Bob Heinrich will serve as the point of contact for anyone wanting to nominate officers (chairman, vice chair, secretary and treasurer). Please e-mail Bob at [email protected] if you are interested in running for an officer position or if you have someone to nominate. Please be sure that the person you nominate is interested in serving as an officer. Voting for the Board will be at the August 7th Advisory Board Meeting. 

6.    August 21, 2008 Membership Meeting Topics – Possible Topics

a. The Clean Water Act impact on boaters, Chris will check with EPA locally.

b. NOAA Fisheries Permits for recreational Boaters

c. Derelict Vessel Safety

d. Funding for NI Ports after this Legislative session

e. Future of the Hawaii Maritime Center

f. Have the Issues of Harbor Congestion been resolved or have they been temporally dispatched because of the pull out of the cruise ship?

g. “Marine Exchange”  Is it possible here in Hawaii? – Ed Enos will organize  the presentation and provide Robin with the list of companies/agencies that should be invited.

h. Hurricanes & other disasters, how do we recover?  A working group is being formed, and an inventory of what equipment is available and what is needed needs to be done: USCG will do the presentation.

7.    Pending HOST Issues:

a.  SOP 7-98 Multiple Cruise Vessel Visiting Offshore Port Anchorages – Kim

  Kim was unable to make the meeting.

b.  Tug Assistance – Tom/Troy – Ed Enos reported that this may be resolved soon.

8.    Old Business

a. Fireboat Moku Ahi – Robin received a letter from the State in response to his inquiry. Scott Cunningham will be the point of contact for the State on this issue.  Evidentially the equipment has been ordered to fix the boat.  No timeline was given for the repair.

b. Flare disposal project – Jasmin’s replacement is on board so we can go ahead a plan the next sub-committee meeting.  The Department of Health will be involved, both the HEER office and Solid Waste Branches.

9.    New Business

Hawaii Fishing & Seafood Festival – Sunday, October 12, 2008 – HOST should be having a booth. This is a very well attended event with a lot of opportunity for outreach.

10. United States Coast Guard Concerns

        a.  Boating Safety Week was not well attended this year; there really needs to be a much bigger effort for next year.  There are real concerns as boaters are not getting the message on PFD’s VHF & EPIRBs. A lot more needs to be done.

        b. In Hawaii, the International Coastal Cleanup called Get The Drift & Bag It is scheduled for September 20th this year. 

11. State of Hawaii Concerns (DOT Harbors and DLNR)

No representation for the State of Hawaii in attendance so no report.

12. Coast Guard Auxiliary Issues – Ed Lott and John Regan – Ed reported that there was a military stand down today which he participated in. There was great interest in water safety.  The Auxiliary numbers are down so they will be working on recruiting.

13. NOAA – Costal Survey – LT. Jeff Taylor of NOAA was not able to attend.        

14. Announcements:

 There will be a FALLS of CLYDE Meeting on Monday July 14th at 4:00 P.M. at Clean Islands to discuss the status and fate of the ship. Interested people are encouraged to attend.

15. Next meetings:   Advisory Board Meeting: August 7, 2008

                                    Membership Meeting: August 21, 2008

16.       Adjourn 1700 (5:00 pm)

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