June 8, 2006
Kim Beasley LCDR Rick Raksnis
Bob Heidrich John Regan
Troy Brown Robin Bond
Joe Almony Brad Rimell
Admiral Manson Brown Rick Shema
Michael Baxter Randy Swindell
Admiral Manson Brown asked for a few minutes to address the group. This will be his last meeting as next Thursday is his Change of Command. His replacement will be Captain Vince Atkins. If possible he will try to bring him to the General Membership meeting for an introduction.
In addition, he took some time to read a U.S. Coast Guard Letter of Commendation presented to Chairman Robin Bond. In his presentation he commended Robin Bond and HOST for outstanding efforts for bringing the community together to discuss Harbor Safety Issues.
AGENDA ITEM #1 Call to Order
Robin called the meeting to order. A quorum is present.
AGENDA ITEM #2 Approval of the Minutes of last meeting.
The Minutes from the last meeting were approved by consensus.
AGENDA ITEM #3 Treasurer’s Report
Robin Bond reported that we currently have $2,152.26 Chris Woolaway is currently away on business.
AGENDA ITEM #4 Next Membership Meeting Topics
• Hurricane Season is upon us. Admiral Brown announced that he signed the The USCG Hurricane Guide Book. A presentation on this along with a follow up presentation by the US Weather Service will happen.
• US Army Ordinance Disposal Program. This is a presentation on what their current plans are for dealing with the WWII disposed ordinance off of Nanakuli. This may or may not happen although we are hopeful this will come together.
• Navy Environmental is willing to put on a short presentation on how they handle cleaning their hulls. This is in response to a request by Dale Hazelhurst and Matson. Matson is struggling with these issues.
• Bill Anonsen will speak to issues that will be brought up to the Legislature for consideration. It was hoped that he could also discuss harbor Close Circuit Camera initiatives but the person he was hoping to do this won’t be able to attend.
AGENDA ITEM #5 Pending HOST Safety Issues
• Safety at Sea Seminar – Rick is now back from personnel travel to the mainland and we are working to establish the program agenda for the remainder of 2006. Susan Jacquelin has left for the mainland and Rick is actively looking for help on this subcommittee. If you can possibly help, please contact Rick at telephone 254-2525 or by e-mail at [email protected].
• SOP 7-98 Multiple Cruise Ships visiting Offshore Port Anchorages – Kim reported on the Brief that he has distributed to the members of the Subcommittee. Essentially our research phase is complete and talking points have been identified. We are currently waiting for feedback from Subcommittee Members. Once this is gathered we will consolidate that information and hold a Subcommittee meeting to discuss these issues. Kim also outlined the process for moving forward. At present no specific recommendations to change the SOP have been proposed. The discussion points are being identified and stakeholders are being brought into the discussion process. More to follow.
• SOP 10-98 (Draft) Vessel Dispersion Plan – LCDR Rick Raksnis.
Reported that the only comments he received were format comments which have been included in the current draft. The USCG considers this ready for prime time. This will be distributed to the Advisory Board. If the Board agrees then this will be presented to the General Membership Meeting. A Draft SOP will be ready for presentation to the Advisory Board by next weeks Membership Meeting.
• Shore Entry Safety Subcommittee – Robin has not been able to move forward on this as yet. We have had another drowning but this seems to be a heart attack victim. This was off of Hawaii Kai and it was a dive from a vessel. He will try to get going on this.
AGENDA ITEM #6 Old Business
• Kawaihae Harbor Congestion. It looks as though things are starting to move ahead. They do have boats in the DLNR outside harbor. They are talking more seriously about shoreside infrastructure. Sause Brothers has offered them some chain for mooring facilities. There is some discussion, some agreement, and some movement, and this is good.
AGENDA ITEM #7 New Business
• Election of Officers. HOST has two year terms for its officers. These run from July to July. Robin sent out an e-mail asking if anyone had any nominations for Officers.
Bob Heidrich said that he had not received any e-mails with nominations. He therefore moved that the same officers be nominated to retain there offices. Robin and Brad just wanted to remind everyone that the same officers have been involved for several terms. Robin pointed out that he would have no problem
with continuing as he thinks there is great value in the organization. Troy Brown seconded the nomination and the officers were voted in by consensus.
• Robin brought up the trouble with parking here at the Hawaii Yacht Club. The DLNR has now eliminated almost all non-permitted parking on the pier. This virtually eliminates club parking. Discussion as to alternative locations for our meetings followed. Brad Rimell moved that we moved to the Waikiki Yacht Club. Kim Beasley seconded the motion. Bob Heidrich pointed out that they would be willing to welcome this but there is a charge of $35 per meeting which covers water and coffee. Hearing this the discussion followed as to where else we could go. It was suggested that we consider the Marine Training Center for all meetings. Concern was expressed that we don’t want to wear out our welcome. Robin suggested that we continue at the Hawaii Yacht Club at least for the short term until we can identify another location. Kim Beasley suggested he could look into the Elks Lodge.
• LCDR Rick Raksnis said there were no issues at this time. He will be leaving to go back to USCG Headquarters on July 1st. His replacement will be able to continue with his efforts. CMDR Kathy Moore will be replacing him. She is coming out of headquarters.
AGENDA ITEM #9 – State of Hawaii Concerns ( DOT Harbors and DLNR)
• Mike from DLNR wanted to discuss the SOP 7-98 (Multiple Cruise Vessels). He wanted to emphasize that any product on this needs to go to DLNR so that Training of harbor personnel is part of the solution.
AGENDA ITEM #10 – Coast Guard Auxiliary Issues – John Regan reported that the Auxiliary is increasing the USCG Safety presence in Kaneohe Bay because of the vessel donated to them by the USCG.
AGENDA ITEM #11 – Announcements:
• The Propeller Club will be holding a meeting at the Hawaii Oil Spill Response Center . This will be on June 15, 2006 , at 4:00 pm . Everyone is invited.
• Brad Rimell wanted to ask if anyone had any suggestions on how to get some of the larger community players such as the Super Ferry, Matson and State Harbors to get more involved with HOST. Any fresh ideas would be welcome.
Robin asked if there were any further comments. Hearing none he adjourned the meeting.
General Membership Meeting:
June 15th, 2:00 pm , Honolulu Community College Marine
Education Training Center located just over the bridge off Sand Island Road .
Executive Board Meeting:
July 13th, 3:00 pm , Hawaii Yacht Club located in
the Ala Wai Yacht Harbor .