February 16, 2006 Membership Meeting

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February 16, 2006


Robin asked the new attendees to introduce themselves.

AGENDA ITEM #1    Call to Order

            Robin Bond called the meeting to order.

AGENDA ITEM #2    Cape Flattery Grounding – The USCG had not completed the investigation of the incident and therefore could not give their presentation.

AGENDA ITEM #3  Tug Assistance Rules Update – Scott Cunningham presented an update:  Vessels coming into port are much larger so the issue of Tug Assistance is very important. The revised rules have gone through review and are with the Transportation Director then will go out for public review.  A key point is the compulsory tug requirement needed for large vessels over 600 ft.  It is felt that the master is a company man and makes decisions for the best interest of the company, sometimes affecting the call for a tug to assist when the weather is good.  The compulsory rules will take the pressure off of the master.  The larger vessels will require a minimum of the equivalent of one tractor type tug with 2,800+ horsepower or 35 tons bollard pull capacity.  The revised rules will better define the exemption waivers.  DOT has tried to create a win-win with the larger vessels coming in.  DOT is hoping for dialogue between vessel and tug companies.  There will be clarification of the grey area once the Director signs off.  DOT will publicize the meetings through the newspaper and through the HOST membership.  The timetable for the public meetings is within a couple of months as there has been a delay because of the Legislature.

Also, rules will apply to everyone and will include now Honolulu Harbor .

Scott reported that the QUEEN MARY II will dock at the newly renovated Pier 2. 

AGENDA ITEM #4    Security Zones – LT. Quincey Adams gave a final presentation on Security Zones. She was unable to provide maps and information at this time but Robin promised to link the Security brochure on the HOST Website.

            If there are any questions or concerns you can reach LT. Adams at her new E-mail address: [email protected]. The USCG security zone website is http:www.uscg.mil/d14/units/msohono/maritimesecurity.htm

AGENDA ITEM #5   DLNR Rules Update – Richard Rice. This year’s legislature is fairly light for boating. There are a number of bills he is tracking;  

 HB1931 – Revenue increase recreational mooring fees and HB 2129 – Capital Advancement – By request

Also HB 1929: a GET tax bill marine related which the Administration opposed on policy and is getting attention.

HB 3020:   insurance for boats in harbors not on trailers.

SB 2575:   Makua Kai (Waianae) for a full EIS this bill has no money.

HB 2634:   Port Authority

SB 2360:   Vessel aground on a coral reef this bill allows the Harbor Master to get the vessel out.

HB 2927:  Adds a large section defining how DLNR shall adopt rules for commercial permits.

Lastly, Richard mentioned that the ORMP (Ocean Recreational Management Plan) should be revised.

AGENDA ITEM #6 Legislative Update – Bill Anonsen was delayed at the legislature and was not able to give his presentation.

AGENDA ITEM #7 Nezette Rydell gave forecast update for the National Weather Service.    They have added 18 new charts.  The wind wave charts come on in a couple of weeks.  The resizing of the maps will come about in a couple of months.  They get a lot of mail on the charts.  The coastal water forecast is coming out earlier ( 4 am , 10am , 4pm , and 10pm ).  The small craft advisory criteria are much more sensitive.  The swell period forecast is of value to the Coast Guard-a graphic would be useful.  The Picture is the forecast and the text is taken from the picture. HOST will include the National Weather Service website as a link on the HOST website.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 pm

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