HOST Advisory Board Meeting
Kim Beasley Brad Rimell
Bob Heidrich John Regan
Chris Woolaway Susan Jacquelin
Kimo Corstorphine Robin Bond
Captain Tim Skuby LTJG Quincey Adams
Bill Mossman Randy Swindell
Rich Davison
Robin asked everyone to introduce themselves.
AGENDA ITEM #1 Call to Order
Robin called the meeting to order. A quorum is present.
AGENDA ITEM #2 Approval of the Minutes of last meeting.
Robin Bond asked if there were any proposed changes to the Minutes. Hearing none, the Minutes were passed by consensus. Susan Jacquelin (formerly Harper) announced that she has a new e-mail address. It is now [email protected]
AGENDA ITEM #3 Treasurer’s Report
Chris Woolaway reported that we have a total of $2,278.90, which includes a donation of $500 from Hawaii Pilots and $140 from Horizon Lines. These donations are for Robin’s trip to the Harbor Safety Committee Conference.
AGENDA ITEM #4 Next Membership Meeting Topics ( April 21, 2005 )
• Card Tracking Program – Kim
• Oil Pollution Planning Requirements for Non-Oil Tank Vessels
This is a regulatory initiative with a very short time line. This might be a valuable presentation to inform players.
• Marine Casualties – LCDR Rick Raksnis
• Mike Nelson is arranging for someone to come and update everyone on the upcoming Boat Show.
• Chris Woolaway would like to announce that the International Coastal Clean Up Conference to be held in Honolulu . This is the 20th year of this effort.
AGENDA ITEM #5 Pending HOST Safety Issues
• SOP 6-98 Commercial VHF Comms. Hector
Venegas has not yet finished the update on the SOP on VHF Comms.
• Safety At Sea Subcommittee. – Susan Jacquelin reported that the boat show sponsors are very excited about HOST’s proposal to put together a “Safety at Sea” tent area in which vendors that have safety products and programs to be housed together under the “safety” umbrella. Rick Shema will be lining up speakers. We hope to have two days of speakers on recreational boating safety. We still are hoping to have more volunteers to may the booth.
• Kawaihae Harbor Tug and Barge Safety – Robin
Nothing new on this.
• SOP 7-98 Multiple Cruise Vessels Visiting Offshore Port Anchorages – Kim. We have already discussed the essence of this in our critique of the Senate panel presentation.
• Clean Water Act/State water quality subcommittee – Nothing new on this.
• Tug Assistance – Tom/Troy
Tom is off island and Troy is not here yet. Robin reported on a committee meeting held at the legislature on Resolution 83 which would ask State Harbors to update their harbor rules to require tug boat assists at the neighbor island harbors. They agreed that the State needs to update their rules and determine how many, if any, tugs would be required. No specific language requiring tugs was included. HOST’s SOP was referenced in the Resolution. HOST has a subcommittee headed by Troy . Their mission is to bring together the parties with the State to discuss the subject and come up with a consensus on tug use in the neighbor island. The Harbor pilots held a separate meeting with NCL to discuss the issue. Robin is recommending that the HOST subcommittee with Troy as Chairman, continue to explore a consensus. Testimony is all over the board on this subject. Modern cruise ships often have thruster capability that often is more powerful than the typical harbor tug. On the other side, concern is expressed that even the best technology can fail. HOST has an opportunity to offer a real community venue to work out the details of this issue, and review or update the HOST SOP.
AGENDA ITEM #6 – New Business
• Susan is going to take the lead in looking for volunteers to man the booth at the boat show.
• Rescue craft for Kahului. Richard Rice has asked HOST if we have any ideas on how to launch a safety boat during the reconstruction of the Kahului boat ramp. Kim volunteered to allow a vessel to share the Kahului boat house which CIC rents from the State. The boat would have to live in the water. Another suggestion is to get slings and have them available to utilize Young Brothers to launch a vessel with a fork lift. Maliko boat ramp is another option. It is a boat ramp that is about 10 miles down the coast. Depending upon the circumstances this may be an option. It is nice that they have come to ask for ideas. It reflects their interest in HOST. Robin will pass the ideas on to DLNR.
AGENDA ITEM #7 – USCG Concerns
Captain Skuby will be leaving to go to Washington D.C. on May 19th. His replacement will be coming from Washington D.C. . His name is Captain Manson Brown.
Also the Security Regulations are not yet finalized because legal is looking over some issues.
AGENDA ITEM #8 State of Hawaii Concerns
No one from State was present.
AGENDA ITEM #9 Coast Guard Auxiliary
Issues – John Regan reported the Mayor has approved the Safe Boating Week Proclamation.
AGENDA ITEM #10 Announcements
• Robin reminded everyone that the National Harbor Safety Conference will be held in April 17th – 20th. At the last meeting there was interest in having HOST Hawaii sponsor an Annual Conference. The consensus is that we are not capable of providing the necessary funding for this.
• Chris Woolaway announced that the DLNR DOBOR Sewage Pump out project paperwork has been signed. A contract with Sea Grant has been approved to conduct a survey and education outreach component for recreational boaters on this subject. This is to encourage boaters to use pump out facilities. The survey will identify convenient locations and commonalities of boater on-board equipment.
Robin asked if there were any further announcements. Hearing none he adjourned the meeting.
General Membership Meeting:
April 21st, 2:00 pm , Honolulu Community College Marine Training Facility.
Executive Board Meeting:
May 12th, 3:00 pm , Hawaii Yacht Club located in the Ala Wai Yacht Harbor .